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Three Merits of Shiga

Great accessibility from major cities

Bringing together the east, west, south and north, right in the heart of Japan

Shiga Prefecture is located at a crossing point among the Kansai, Chukyo, and Hokuriku Economic Areas. Numerous international ports and international airports operate within a 100 km area, with each of these reachable within 90 minutes from inside the prefecture. This location is ideal for undertaking business activities in Japan.

Mother-factories that lead global manufacturing, research and development facilities and universities gather together.

Accumulation of research and development centers

In Shiga Prefecture, the accumulation of industrial product manufacturing factories has progressed due to the abundant aquatic resources of Lake B1wa and the advantages of the convenient transport, with the ratio of secondary manufacturing within overall prefectural production amounting to 41%, making it number 1 nationally. (2012 Shiga Prefecture Economic Census/Shiga Prefecture S1alistics Division)
The accumulation of intellectual resources has progressed in recent years, through the mother-factories and research and development centers of some of Japan’s leading corporations and well as the opening of new university departments
We aim to function as a world-leading global innovation center for product development while advancing and making use of the accumulation of intellectual resources.

Lake Biwa - comfortable lifestyle that receives the benefits of nature

Comfortable living environment

Shiga Prefecture, with Japan’s largest lake’Biwako’ located in the center, is one of the foremost’environmentally progressive prefectures’in Japan and also has many carefully maintained regional historical and cultural heritage sites 
This rich environment makes it a region well suited to forward thinking lifestyles and c ive activities.

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商工観光労働部 産業立地課
メールアドレス:[email protected]